vba - Convert a COUNTIF range recorded in an Excel macro to a variable range -

i'm looking converting countif range recorded in excel macro variable range. using excel vba manipulate monthly file has variable amount of records each month.

i recorded macro modify , filter records , able convert of ranges variable ranges of site. however, struggling converting range variable range countif function shown below identifies duplicated ids in column color. column filtered color.

range("a2").select range(selection, selection.end(xldown)).select selection.formatconditions.add type:=xlexpression, formula1:= _     "=countif($a$2:$a$7977,a2)>=2" selection.formatconditions(selection.formatconditions.count).setfirstpriority selection.formatconditions(1).interior     .patterncolorindex = xlautomatic     .color = 65535     .tintandshade = 0 end selection.formatconditions(1).stopiftrue = true range(“a1”).select selection.autofilter activesheet.range(“$a$1:$p$7977”).autofilter field:=1, criteria1:=rgb(255,255,0),operator:=xlfilter cell color 

you need function find last row of column. see below:

function getlastrow(sht worksheet, col string) integer     getlastrow = sht.range(col & cstr(sht.rows.count)).end(xlup).row end function 

call function in every place need put end of range, name of sheet, , letter of column parameters. see below how might work:

"=countif($a$2:$a$" & getlastrow(sheets("sheet1"),"a") & ",a2)>=2" 


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