input - Python changing filenames of multiple files in a folder -

i'm trying make script rename files in folder , code have, doesn't work. have 200 images in folder , want change filename1_ filename1 , on files. transformation dog_1 doggy1; or whatever, new name of file can anything. me out? i'm still new python code have right might nothing.

import os     directoryname="c:\\users\\ineke\\documents\\python scripts\\images"     lijstmetfiles = os.listdir(directoryname)     in range(len(lijstmetfiles)):         os.rename(str(lijstmetfiles[i]), str("doggy"+str(i)) 

i ran code , here 2 main problems:

the first being, not closing bracket on os.rename line.

you have this:

os.rename(str(lijstmetfiles[i]), str("doggy"+str(i)) 

you missing parentheses, should be:

os.rename(str(lijstmetfiles[i]), str("doggy"+str(i))) 

however, edit issue copying code on in post.

secondly, , importantly, not specifying path want rename on, giving 2 filenames, getting file not found error.

you need make use of python's os.path.join method using directory , filename, in code sample below:

os.rename(     os.path.join(directoryname, str(lijstmetfiles[i])),     os.path.join(directoryname, str("doggy"+str(i)))     )  

so explicitly specifying full path rename.

another point make, don't need casting "str" filenames. if filename 5 example, getting list of files listdir still come string.

finally, putting together, code should this:

import os directoryname="c:\\users\\ineke\\documents\\python scripts\\images" lijstmetfiles = os.listdir(directoryname) print(lijstmetfiles) in range(len(lijstmetfiles)):     os.rename(         os.path.join(directoryname, lijstmetfiles[i]),         os.path.join(directoryname, "doggy"+str(i))         ) 

i tested on end , should work.

here documentation on os module. take @ further understanding of available when playing filesystem:

python 2:

python 3:


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