c# - Entity Framework resetting int values to 0 on inherited object -

i've been 4 hours trying find out i'm doing wrong tpt hierarchy, it's been big pain in neck.

i have base class:

public partial class registry {      public int id_audit{get;set;}      public string cud{get;set;} //key value      public bool canceled{get;set;}      public virtual icollection<articles> articles {get;set;}      public virtual icollection<paid> paids {get;set;}      //other base properties }  public partial class sale : registry {      public int idsale{get;set;} }  public partial class cuote : registry {      public int idcuote{get;set;}      public int consec{get;set;}      public int modification{get;set;}      //other cuote properties } 

at runtime interacts registry object until it's decided object going be: sale or cuote, made extension class export base class derived class

public partial class registry {      public sales tosale()      {         sale r = new sale         {             canceled = this.canceled,             cud = this.cud,             id_auditoria = this.id_auditoria,             //other properties         };         return r;      } } 

the same function made cuotes.

so use this

sale s = tempregistry.tosale(); dbcontext.registrys.add(s); dbcontext.savechanges(); 

but every time, savechanges() throws exception:

the insert statement conflicted foreign key constraint "fk_registrys_audits". conflict occurred in database "testdb", table "dbo.audits", column 'id'. statement has been terminated.

but property set before savechanges() executes, after savechanges() not.

here's caption (names little bit different, id_auditoria == id_audit, registros_auditoria == registry ):


on catch


my database schema this: schema can see there no more manipulation sale object why it's keeping throwing me exception?

hi work, i'm not quite sure exact problem, forced rebuilt entity framework model, rename classes etc. , 1 of important change was

  • deleted relationships between inherited objects: default navigation properties not deleted in previous model, apparently entityframework trying read sale.registry instead of base class.

thank help.


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