networking - What is the cleanest way to set up a remote control of my desktop from my laptop? -

so, use simulation tools , raw power of armed , operational battlestation windows 7 desktop, windows 10 laptop, hoping try hand @ setting sort of remote control between two.

particularly, want to

  1. be able control desktop laptop (duh)
  2. to able start remote control software remotely, meaning need done fire , log in on desktop, laptop can handle rest.
  3. to able on internet, not on lan connection.
  4. to able of above, @ reasonable speed, without noticeable latency, own sanity when typing code on connection.

so, have of done before? i'm sure there's out there dabbled before.

optional, edited out requirements replace, or accompany #2 if possible:

2a. able put desktop in standby mode few days (for power concerns) on remote connection, wake using remote connection on laptop 2b. able log password protected admin account on desktop on remote connection, after waking safe mode.

you try teamviewer, don't think can #2 , #3 tho. can control smartphone. don't think can #2 , #3 remote control software, needs physical switch.


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