ios - can't hide bottom bar in view controller after pushing segue -

in 1 view controller appears bottom bar after pushing vc segue.


i can't hided. don't want bottom bar appears. kind of bar this? how away?

i have uitextfield in vc, calling bar? don't need keyboard or bar.

i tried disable in storyboard, appears in vc.

edit: textfield: .h

@interface gameoverviewcontroller : uiviewcontroller <uitextfielddelegate> { 



@implementation uitextfield (disablecopypaste)  -(bool)canperformaction:(sel)action withsender:(id)sender {  return no; return [super canperformaction:action withsender:sender]; }  @end  @implementation gameoverviewcontroller  nsstring *text1;    text1 = @"";  uiview* testview = [[uiview alloc] init]; _namefield.inputview = testview; [_namefield becomefirstresponder]; _namefield.contentverticalalignment = uicontrolcontentverticalalignmentcenter; [[uitextfield appearance] settintcolor:[uicolor blackcolor]]; //set color of cursor 

buttons textfield:

if (_namefield.text.length <=11) {      if (_namefield.isediting) {         text1 = [text1 stringbyappendingstring:[sender currenttitle]];         [_namefield settext:text1];      } } 

i think uitoolbar. select view controller in storyboard, under 'utilities' select 'attributes inspector' tab , set 'bottom bar' none.

if using uinavigationcontroller, can same navigation controller (unchecking 'shows toolbar' under same tab help) or programmatically can write in view controller

[self.navigationcontroller settoolbarhidden:yes animated:animated]; 


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