feeling-responsive Jekylltheme fork provokes 404 (File not found) at [username].github.io -

complete newbie github , pages, 4th day , many attempts @ getting existing jekyllthemes repo replicated, , running. i'm unsure due risk of disturbing original feeling-responsive jekylltheme.

current problem: despite clean bill of health way local clone through github.io, current attempt's pages not visible @ cantillate.github.io.

been following otherwise good workflow description analogy.

only hint @ problem find here, states 'for user pages, use master branch in username.github.io repository. project pages, use gh-pages branch in project's repository'.

so seem have defined user page, there 1) no 'master' branch , 2) no project defined. understanding user page should show independently of whatever else exists. rather confusing.

history? in browser:

  1. forked well-known feeling-responsive jekyll theme
  2. renamed resulting repository cantillate.github.io

in terminal window:

  1. cd'd desktop (mac os x)
  2. did 'git clone https://github.com/cantillate/.cantillate.github.io.git'
  3. did 'cd cantillate.github.io'
  4. did 'sudo gem install jekyll jekyll-sitemap'
  5. did local edits, restarting jekyll , going each time. in browser, local blog displayed fine .
  6. did 'git add -a && git commit -m "publishing" && git push', signing github account.

---> successful, changes visible in github repo in browser, yet hours later blog still not shown @ http://cantillate.github.io.

as newcomer, part of problem scarcity of existing repository reuse workflow descriptions, cleanly describing each of user / project / organisation variants.

glad of hints..

[addendum] created separate project repo, still not showing.

create master branch , push github.

git branch master git push -u origin master 

github user pages need in master branch.


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