json - Node.js + Framework for RESTFul API -

i'm new node maybe can me in decision, want create restful api accessible web site , mobile application returning json response.

i have decided use same api website , mobile applications maintain purpose, went disastrous platform 2 logic part separated. want use restful api without session scalability purpose, using oauth2 authentication , maybe memcache serve same json response hash algorithm used.

i begin node+express.js+mongodb backend, have noticed express come lot of package control , use cookie, template engine , on...

so question is: express.js right package purpose? or better not use framework? in opinion best way achieve speed of access , speed of serving without type of session , without type of cookie?

i developed restful apis express. thing express don`t need use additional stuff session handling , template engines. in addition there modules enables set api fast. example if using mongoose have @ baucis.

if still feel uncomfortable express, there many other node.js frameworks building restful apis. maybe give restify try? restify somehow specialized version of express, easy migrate existing code.


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