linux - Jenkins builds failing with a missing file error even though the file is there -

i have jenkins server running , have couple of builds working. however, morning when tried add 1 kept failing error -

[] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/ + ./opt/jenkins/ /tmp/ line 2: /opt/jenkins/ no such file or directory build step 'execute shell' marked build failure

the shell script @ path , has name. if make ./opt/jenkins/ still fails same error. command have in "execute shell" section in "command" text box /opt/jenkins/ tried ./opt/jenkins/ well.

the script on centos system btw.

this script trying run -

echo "git pull" cd /var/www/path/for/my_website/docroot/ git checkout master git pull   echo "change ownership apache" chown -r apache:apache * echo "running drush commands" drush updb -y #drush fra -y drush cc 

often " no such file or directory" error means shebang line within not point executable file. check contents of make sure path exists.


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