javascript - Run through array and check values of <td> cells in jQuery -

scenario: have table 10 rows, each containing of class '.t3_dc'.

these cells contain value of between 1.0 , 9.9

for each td, want check if score/value between amount , if so, change colour. example, < 7.0 red, 7-8 stay white, above 8 green.

i got far after few attempts biggest obstacle seems storing each array , running through , checking them individually.

 $(document).ready( function() {  function scores () {  var score = $('td.t3_dc').text();  var num = parsefloat(score);   alert(score)[0];   if(num < 7 ) {     $(score).css('color','green');    }  else {     $(score).css('color','red');    }   };     settimeout(scores, 2000);  }); 

note: timeout function exists table takes couple of seconds load on page

q. how can loop through array of 's , check each value, adding colour necessary?

imho, don't need timeout, function first fire when page loaded. loop classes using each() , check it's value.

$(function() {   $('.t3_dc').each( function() {     var elem = $(this) ,         value = parsefloat( elem.text() );     if( value < 7 ) {       elem.css('color', 'red');     }     elseif( value > 8 ) {       elem.css('color', 'green');     }   }); }); 


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