json - How to extract property that is an object in keen.io -

using extractions api in keen.io can't specific properties objects.

curl "https://api.keen.io/3.0/projects/project_id/queries/extraction?api_key=read_key&event_collection=collection_name&timeframe=this_7_days" 

gives me properties, let's say

{"result": [   {      "userid": 1,       "keen": {"timestamp": 'val', "created_at": 'val'},              "name":'val'   } ]} 

but if want "userid" , "keen", "keen" gets ignored.

curl "https://api.keen.io/3.0/projects/project_id/queries/extraction?api_key=read_key&event_collection=collection_name&timeframe=this_7_days&property_names=["userid","keen"]"  {"result": [{"userid": 1}...]} 

i noticed can specific properties keen object if specify:

property_names=["userid", "keen.timestamp"] 


{"result": [   {     "userid":"1",      "keen":{"timestamp":"val"}   } ]}     

but whole object without specifying properties. have top level property object many properties.

after contacting keen.io (very responsive , informative) confirmed retrieving specified object properties not implemented @ moment , solution either of them or specify each property in request (like did in question above).

they discuss adding feature makes sense have working that.


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