angularjs - How to test vm.variable - function(){..} unit testing with jasmine? -

i using karma- jasmine framework test angular application. i'm facing problem in calling functions of controller or service form test-spec. tried using controller. scope. both of them didn't work me.

the controller code is

(function () {'use strict';  angular.module('selfui').controller('attendeescontroller', attendeescontroller);  attendeescontroller.$inject = ['$state', '$stateparams', 'attendeeservice', 'settings', '$log'];  function attendeescontroller($state, $stateparams, attendeeservice, settings, $log) {   var vm = this;   if ($stateparams.attendeedata === null) {   vm.pagetype = "add attendee";   vm.isedit = false;   } else {   var tempattendee = $stateparams.attendeedata;   vm.pagetype = "edit attendee";   vm.isedit = true;   vm._id = tempattendee._id;   vm.firstname = tempattendee.firstname;   vm.lastname = tempattendee.lastname;  }   vm.checkavailable = function(email){         //check email         if(email === null || angular.isundefined(email) || email.trim().length === 0){             vm.invalidemail = true;         }else{             // check if email present or not              success = function(data, status, headers, config) {                 if(data[0].success){                     vm.validemail = true;                 }else{                     if(data[0].message){                         modaldata = {                             success : false,                          };                     }else{                         vm.validemail = false;                      }                 }             };             failure = function(data, status, headers, config) {                  vm.invalidemail = false;             };              attendeeservice.checkemail(email, success, failure);         }     };       } })(); 

my test spec is:

describe('attendeescontroller', function(){ beforeeach(module('ss'));  var state, $stateparams, stateparams, settings, attendeeservice, log; var email= ""; var controller, $scope; var vm;  $stateparams= {_id : "1",   attendeetype : "attendee",   firstname : "pen",   lastname : "red",   email : "",   company : "swg",   jobtitle : "speaker",   biography : "bio",   tagsinterest : "interests"}     beforeeach(inject(function($rootscope, _addattendeeservice_, $controller, $state,   $stateparams,settings, $log) { attendeeservice= _attendeeservice_; state= $state; $scope = $rootscope.$new(); controller = function() {   return $controller('attendeescontroller', {     $scope : scope,     $stateparams : $stateparams   }); };  }));     it('should instantiated', function() {   expect(attendeeservice).tobedefined(); });  it('should have controller.methods defined', function(){   expect(controller).tobedefined();   expect(controller.checkavailable).tobeundefined();   controller.checkavailable(email);  }); 


my service code looks this:

 (function() {  'use strict';  angular.module('ss').service('attendeeservice', attendeeservice);  attendeeservice.$inject = ['ssfactory', 'settings', '$rootscope'];  function attendeeservice(selfsfactory, settings, $rootscope){      this.addattendee = function(data, success, failure){          var responsepromise = selfservicefactory.httppostrequest(settings.createattendeeurl, data, config);         responsepromise.success(success);         responsepromise.error(failure);         return responsepromise;     };  }}); 

when run test spec, gives me error

typeerror: 'undefined' not function (evaluating 'controller.checkavailable(email)')     @ c:/users/ibm_admin/webstormprojects/self/self-service-ui.git/src/tests/addattendees.controller.spec.js:53 

i tried calling checkavailable function scope variable too, didn't work. need know how call such methods in controller test spec.


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