c# - MVC VirtualPathProvider GetFile not called when app root is different -

i have views, scripts, styles compiled embedded resource in different dll. iam using virtualpathprovider file. web running fine when it's places in web root -> www.xxx.com

the problem when place website www.xxx.com/yyy checks files in virtualpathprovider if exist , yes, files found. controller function returns view called, getfile in virtualpathprovider not called , website says error 404.


public static void registerroutes(routecollection routes) {     routes.ignoreroute("{resource}.axd/{*pathinfo}");      routes.maproute(name: "default", namespaces: new[] {"merz.ems.core.controllers"},         url: "{controller}/{action}", defaults: new {controller = "index", action = "index"});      routes.add(new route("resources/{*url}", new embeddedresourceroutehandler())); } 

the embeddedresourceroutehandler handles scripts , styles.


using system; using system.collections; using system.io; using system.linq; using system.web; using system.web.caching; using system.web.hosting; using system.web.routing;  namespace merz.ems.core.virtualproviders { public class embeddedvirtualpathprovider : virtualpathprovider {     public class embeddedvirtualfile : virtualfile     {         private stream _stream;          public embeddedvirtualfile(string virtualpath, stream stream) : base(virtualpath)         {             if (null == stream) throw new argumentnullexception("stream");             _stream = stream;         }          public override stream open()         {             return _stream;         }     }      public override cachedependency getcachedependency(string virtualpath,ienumerable virtualpathdependencies,datetime utcstart)     {         string embedded = _getembeddedpath(virtualpath);          try         {             if (string.isnullorempty(embedded))                 return base.getcachedependency(virtualpath, virtualpathdependencies, utcstart);         }         catch         {             // ignored         }          return null;     }      public override bool fileexists(string virtualpath)     {         string embedded = _getembeddedpath(virtualpath);         bool reallyexists = file.exists(httpcontext.current.server.mappath(virtualpath));          return reallyexists || base.fileexists(virtualpath) || !string.isnullorempty(embedded);     }      public override virtualfile getfile(string virtualpath)     {         string embedded = _getembeddedpath(virtualpath);         if (string.isnullorempty(embedded))         {             if (base.fileexists(virtualpath)) return base.getfile(virtualpath);             else             {                 var path = httpcontext.current.server.mappath(virtualpath);                 if (file.exists(path))                 {                     stream s = file.openread(path);                     return new embeddedvirtualfile(virtualpath, s);                 }             }         }          return new embeddedvirtualfile(virtualpath,gettype().assembly.getmanifestresourcestream(embedded));     }      private string _getembeddedpath(string path)     {         if (path.startswith("~/")) path = path.substring(1);          path = path.tolowerinvariant();         path = "merz.ems.core" + path.replace('/', '.');         return gettype().assembly.getmanifestresourcenames().firstordefault(o => o.equals(path, stringcomparison.ordinalignorecase));     } } 

so, why it's working if page runs www.xxx.com , not www.xxx.com/yyy ? (yyy root of application )

thanks :)

i solved problem after lot of hours.

    private string _getembeddedpath(string path)     {         if (path.startswith("~/")) path = path.substring(1);          if (hostingenvironment.applicationvirtualpath != null)         {             if (path.startswith(hostingenvironment.applicationvirtualpath)) path = path.substring(hostingenvironment.applicationvirtualpath.length);         }          path = path.tolowerinvariant();         path = "merz.ems.core" + path.replace('/', '.');         return gettype().assembly.getmanifestresourcenames().firstordefault(o => o.equals(path, stringcomparison.ordinalignorecase));     } 

in function, added

if (hostingenvironment.applicationvirtualpath != null) {       if (path.startswith(hostingenvironment.applicationvirtualpath)) path = path.substring(hostingenvironment.applicationvirtualpath.length); } 

to remove subfolder, finds file without problem. first attempt filter subfolder virtual path in fileexists function , bad way. why ? knows.


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