ios - How to make a 360 panorama app using DJI Mobile SDK like DronePan? -

i saw dronepan's app on facebook recently. dronepan simple app control dji's inspire 1 take cool 360 panorama, it's awesome. can check video:, excited , want make ios app too. google , figure out dronepan using dji mobile sdk make app. wondering if can give me clues start project? using api of dji sdk can make inspire 1 rotate camera take photos? thanks!

good topic! panorama feature quite popular drones’ app recently. started play dji mobile sdk 2 weeks, google , found dji sdk’s github page. it’s helpful starters us. in page, found creating panorama application tutorial, recommend check it! can use dji mobile sdk’s intelligent navigation waypoint missions , joystick control aircraft’s camera rotate , take photos. joystick feature, please check djigimbal.h file, there method called:

-(void) setgimbalpitch:(djigimbalrotation)pitch roll:(djigimbalrotation)roll yaw:(djigimbalrotation)yaw withresult:(djiexecuteresultblock)block;

by using it, can send command control aircraft rotate gimbal manually. tutorial teach how stitch photos take , using opencv library generate them panorama.

hope help!


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