xml - What does it mean apply-templates select='*'? -

forgive me learned xsl, , have trouble understand apply-templates well. in understanding. apply-templates find nodes match select. , search in current xsl document if there template defined specified select nodes. apply style these nodes.

for example:

<catalog>     <cd>         <title>empire burlesque</title>         <artist>bob dylan</artist>         <country>usa</country>         <company>columbia</company>         <price>10.90</price>         <year>1985</year>     </cd>     <cd>         <title>hide heart</title>         <artist>bonnie tyler</artist>         <country>uk</country>         <company>cbs records</company>         <price>9.90</price>         <year>1988</year>     </cd>     <cd>         <title>greatest hits</title>         <artist>dolly parton</artist>         <country>usa</country>         <company>rca</company>         <price>9.90</price>         <year>1982</year>     </cd> </catalog>   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/xsl/transform">  <xsl:template match="/"> <html> <body> <h2>my cd collection</h2>  <xsl:apply-templates/>  </body> </html> </xsl:template>  <xsl:template match="cd"> <p> <xsl:apply-templates select="title"/>  <xsl:apply-templates select="artist"/> </p> </xsl:template>  <xsl:template match="title"> title: <span style="color:#ff0000"> <xsl:value-of select="."/></span> <br /> </xsl:template>  <xsl:template match="artist"> artist: <span style="color:#00ff00"> <xsl:value-of select="."/></span> <br /> </xsl:template>  </xsl:stylesheet> 
  • the first apply-templates in <xsl:template match="/">, means nodes under root catalog apply specified template. since there template defined these nodes. apply template these nodes cd. , other apply-templates. works same rule.

but when see xsl below. there cruisecontrol.net mstestreport2010.xsl

<xsl:variable name="runinfos"                   select="*[local-name()='resultsummary']/*[local-name()='runinfos']/*[local-name()='runinfo']" />     <xsl:if test="count($runinfos) > 0">       <h3>errors , warnings</h3>       <table width="100%"              border="1"              cellspacing="0"              style="font-size:small;">         <xsl:apply-templates select="$runinfos" />       </table>     </xsl:if> 

in understanding xsl:apply-templates select="$runinfos" search xsl document find template defined it. below.

<xsl:template match="*[local-name()='runinfo']">     <tr>       <td>           <xsl:apply-templates select="*" />       </td>     </tr>   </xsl:template> 

but make me confused mean select="*". because seach in xsl document .found there not such * template defined ..

and wonder question : if there no template match selected nodes in xsl:apply-templates ?

and how can test , debug xsl in tools . please share me if have ones.thanks.

here xml

<cruisecontrol project="kmimproject">     <build date="2015-10-09 19:01:32" buildtime="00:00:35" error="true" buildcondition="forcebuild">         <testrun id="1bd2dff0-7418-4a1e-8ffd-189b27d1b118" name="administrator@joe-wangpc 2015-10-09 19:01:26" runuser="joe-wangpc\administrator" xmlns="http://microsoft.com/schemas/visualstudio/teamtest/2010">             <testsettings name="default test settings" id="6e1f3ea2-9cf0-4beb-8305-1a4b5db1fa55">                 <deployment userdeploymentroot="e:\study\cc.net\test\kmih\workingfolder" usedefaultdeploymentroot="false" rundeploymentroot="administrator_joe-wangpc 2015-10-09 19_01_26"/>                 <execution>                     <testtypespecific/>                     <agentrule name="execution agents">       </agentrule>                 </execution>                 <properties/>             </testsettings>             <times creation="2015-10-09t19:01:26.3934012+08:00" queuing="2015-10-09t19:01:26.6424154+08:00" start="2015-10-09t19:01:26.7014188+08:00" finish="2015-10-09t19:01:27.1244430+08:00"/>             <resultsummary outcome="failed">                 <counters total="106" executed="59" error="0" failed="59" timeout="0" aborted="0" inconclusive="0" passedbutrunaborted="0" notrunnable="47" notexecuted="0" disconnected="0" warning="0" passed="0" completed="0" inprogress="0" pending="0"/>                 <runinfos>                     <runinfo computername="joe-wangpc" outcome="warning" timestamp="2015-10-09t19:01:26.4934069+08:00">                         <text>warning: test run deployment issue: assembly or module 'kmih.persistence' directly or indirectly referenced test container 'e:\study\cc.net\test\kmih\sourcecheckoutfolder\kmih.unittests\obj\release\kmih.unittests.dll' not found.</text>                     </runinfo>                     <runinfo computername="joe-wangpc" outcome="warning" timestamp="2015-10-09t19:01:26.4934069+08:00">                         <text>warning: test run deployment issue: assembly or module 'kmih.webui' directly or indirectly referenced test container 'e:\study\cc.net\test\kmih\sourcecheckoutfolder\kmih.unittests\obj\release\kmih.unittests.dll' not found.</text>                     </runinfo>                 </runinfos>             </resultsummary>         </testrun>     </build> </cruisecontrol> 

it means "select element children , apply templates match them." if there is, example, child tag meh , template element matching meh (or more general match), apply template child element. apply-templates not choose template, tells engine templates should applied selection (in select attribute) , engine should find appropriate templates them.

if there no template matching element, xslt has built-in rules "apply templates child elements also, , if there text nodes, copy them output". in case since elements inside runinfo have no matching template, xslt copy text inside output.


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