Material Angular md-autocomplete clear and blur after selection (multi select) -

i trying use md-autocomplete in angular material multi selector. idea is, selected element autocomplete added object array after selection , selection removed md-autocomplete. able clear md-autocomplete, focus stays on md-autocomplete input , autocomplete suggestions still visible. example:


function selecteditemchange(item) {   $'item changed ' + json.stringify(item));   if(item)   {     //check if item selected     if($filter('filter')(vm.contactsselected, function (d) {return ===;})[0])       {         $'item selected. not add again.');       }     else       {         //add id object         vm.contactsselected.push(item);           }     // clear search field     vm.searchtext = '';     vm.selecteditem = undefined;      //somehow blur autocomplete focus     //$mdautocompletectrl.blur();   } } 

ps: aware use contact chips of angular material instead, still wondering how blur achieved.

if set md-no-cache="true" property inside list dissapear, input field not cleared. think better solution clearing input field leaving list visible, you.


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