ms access - Multiselect rows in listbox based on string -

i have multiselect listbox has around 60 values, user can go through , select want can read selected , output 1 line "1,2,3,4,5" , store value. problem have when user needs edit selected. how can reselect listbox items based on string "1,2,3,4,5" stored earlier?

i figured out after lot of searching, here code

dim strvalue string dim strarray() string dim x integer dim startrow integer  strvalue = rsprints("ctype")'get string of row values strarray = split(strvalue, ",", -1, vbtextcompare)'my string required splitting remove commas , moving array  x = 0 'set array start point 0  q = lbound(strarray) ubound(strarray) 'run through array     startrow = strarray(x)     me.formctype.selected(startrow) = true     x = x + 1 next 


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