python - Plot semilogx with matplotlib then convert it into Bokeh -

i plot figure containing several curves using matplotlib , try convert bokeh:

import numpy np import matplotlib.pyplot plt bokeh import mpl bokeh.plotting import show, output_file   num_plots = 6 colormap = time = np.random.random_sample((300, 6)) s_strain = np.random.random_sample((300, 6))  def time_s_strain_bokeh(num_plots, colormap, time, s_strain):      plt.gca().set_color_cycle([colormap(i) in np.linspace(0, 0.9, num_plots)])      plt.figure(2)     in range(0, num_plots):         plt.plot(time[:,i], s_strain[:,i])     plt.grid(true)      # save bokeh     output_file('anywhere.html')     show(mpl.to_bokeh())      time_s_strain_bokeh(num_plots, colormap, time, s_strain) 

it works fine. however, want have semilogx plot. when change plt.plot in "for" loop plt.semilogx, have following error:

unboundlocalerror: local variable 'laxis' referenced before assignment 

what can change x-axis onto log scale?

as of bokeh 0.12, partial , incomplete mpl compatibility provided third party mplexporter library, appears unmaintained. full (or @ least, more complete) mpl compat support not happen until mpl team implements mep 25. however, implementing mep 25 mpl project task, , timeline/schedule entirely outside of control of bokeh project.

the existing mpl compat based on mplexporter provided "as-is" in case useful in subset of simple situations works for. suggestion use native bokeh apis directly of moderate complexity.

you can find example of semilog plot created using bokeh apis here:


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