java - Access JDBC methods from another class within the same package -

i have database class imports java.sql.* , have following variables

connection connect; preparedstatement statement; resultset result; public database() {} //constructor connect db [successful connection] 

now create instance in class database db = new database();, , have this:

statement = connect.statement("sql query"); 

but in class, have this:

db.statement = db.connect.db.statement("sql query"); 

it showing error looks weird.

i think possible solution create local variables in class

connection connect = db.connect; preparedstatement statement = db.statement; 

which makes database useless class.

there misunderstanding in approach

statement = connect.statement("sql query"); <--wrong statement  statement = connect.preparestatement("sql query"); <--correct statement 

so in class should

db.statement = db.connect.preparestatement("sql query");  <--worked 


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