node.js - Loop of console.log in nodejs -

my mcve following

var = 0; for(;;)     console.log(i++) 

when this, @ moment, nodejs stops printing stuff, giving me output looks this

[...] 684665 684666 684667 

and then, got :

<--- last few gcs --->     69097 ms: scavenge 1397.2 (1456.7) -> 1397.2 (1456.7) mb, 0.8 / 0 ms (+ 1.7 ms in 1 steps since last gc) [allocation failure] [incremental marking delaying mark-sweep].    70462 ms: mark-sweep 1397.2 (1456.7) -> 1396.0 (1456.7) mb, 1364.9 / 0 ms (+ 2.8 ms in 2 steps since start of marking, biggest step 1.7 ms) [last resort gc].    71833 ms: mark-sweep 1396.0 (1456.7) -> 1397.1 (1456.7) mb, 1370.2 / 0 ms [last resort gc].   <--- js stacktrace --->  ==== js stack trace =========================================  security context: 0xcdf79d37399 <js object>     1: formatprimitive(aka formatprimitive) [util.js:~411] [pc=0x634d9f4113f] (this=0xcdf79d04131 <undefined>,ctx=0x17b18f4d561 <an object map 0x32fd25043ef9>,value=16248021)     2: formatvalue(aka formatvalue) [util.js:223] [pc=0x634d9f1fdbb] (this=0xcdf79d04131 <undefined>,ctx=0x17b18f4d561 <an object map 0x32fd25043ef9>,value=16248021,recursetimes=2)     3: inspect(aka inspect) [uti...  fatal error: call_and_retry_last allocation failed - process out of memory [1]    19446 abort (core dumped)  node 

i wondering, can console.log lead out of memory error ?

according discussion :!topic/nodejs/ktonbpvv68u

every time call console.log (or other logging method), console object allocate memory. memory free garbage collector on next tick. if have big loop, next tick never come.

but tested :

setinterval(function() {     (var = 0; < 100000; ++i) {         console.log(i);     } }, 10000) 

according google group discussion, between each interval, nodejs garbage collector should free allocated memory console.log. not. every time loop running, process take more ram.

i tested :

var fs = require('fs') var output = fs.createwritestream('./stdout.log'); var erroroutput = fs.createwritestream('./stderr.log'); var logger = new console.console(output, erroroutput);  var = 0; (;;) {     logger.log(i++); } 

the behavior same. process take more , more ram until crash (because nore more ram available). , file stdout.log empty.

finally, tested :

var fs = require('fs') var output = fs.createwritestream('./stdout.log'); var erroroutput = fs.createwritestream('./stderr.log'); var logger = new console.console(output, erroroutput);  setinterval(function() {     (var = 0; < 100000; i++) {         logger.log(i);     } }, 5000) 

this example interesting. because between each interval, stdout.log written (the lines appended file) , ram reclaimed process doesn't grow. between each interval garbage collector works.

i think console object not handle buffer. still weird. if use standard output (with console.log), it's console object keep in memory everthing printed far. , never cleanse. , if use file ouput, works fine (except if write in infinity loop, of course).

maybe it's because of nodejs version, i'm working nodejs 0.12.7


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