javascript - Disable Button OnClick -

i have application random generator , want button disable , stay disabled when clicked.

i have tried adding onclientclick="this.disabled = true;" <asp:button> , tried adding following onclick in code behind btndecideforme.attributes.add("onclick", "this.disabled=true;"); none of these work.

not bothered how done long it's clean , job.


<div class="col-sm-2">     <asp:button class="btn btn-success" id="btndecideforme" runat="server" text="decide me" onclick="btndecideforme_click" /> </div> 

on_click event

protected void btndecideforme_click(object sender, eventargs e) {     list<string> eat = new list<string>();     eat.add("chinese buffet");     eat.add("harvester");     eat.add("frankie & benny's");     eat.add("hungry horse");     eat.add("blaize");     eat.add("chiquito");     eat.add("cafe football");     eat.add("nando's");      random place = new random();     int places =, eat.count);     txtdestination.text = eat[places];   //btndecideforme.enabled = false; } 

i don't want use btndecideforme.enabled = false; loses bootstrap styling , don't want apply whole lot of css.

you can use below code in button click event.

btndecideforme.enabled = false; 


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