How to show in django cms breadcrumbs full path? -

need advice - how show in breadcrumbs whole path article or page? i've got code:

{% ance in ancestors %}    <li>        {% if not forloop.last %}        <a href="{{ ance.get_absolute_url }}">{{ ance.get_menu_title }}</a>     {% else %}       <span class="active">{{ ance.get_menu_title }}</span>     {% endif %}    </li> {% endfor %} 

but shows "home" , current page. how modify show whole path in breadcrumbs?

i've found in file code calls ancestors. @ least there class showbreadcrumbs:

    class showbreadcrumb(inclusiontag):     """     shows breadcrumb node has same url current request      - start level: after level should breadcrumb start? 0=home     - template: template used render breadcrumb     """     name = 'show_breadcrumb'     template = 'menu/dummy.html'      options = options(         argument('start_level', default=0, required=false),         argument('template', default='menu/breadcrumb.html', required=false),         argument('only_visible', default=true, required=false),     )      def get_context(self, context, start_level, template, only_visible):         try:             # if there's exception (500), default context_processors may not called.             request = context['request']         except keyerror:             return {'template': 'cms/content.html'}         if not (isinstance(start_level, int) or start_level.isdigit()):             only_visible = template             template = start_level             start_level = 0         try:             only_visible = bool(int(only_visible))         except:             only_visible = bool(only_visible)         ancestors = []         nodes = menu_pool.get_nodes(request, breadcrumb=true)          # find home         home = none         root_url = unquote(reverse("pages-root"))         home = next((node node in nodes if node.get_absolute_url() == root_url), none)          # find selected         selected = none         selected = next((node node in nodes if node.selected), none)          if selected , selected != home:             node = selected             while node:                 if node.visible or not only_visible:                     ancestors.append(node)                 node = node.parent         if not ancestors or (ancestors , ancestors[-1] != home) , home:             ancestors.append(home)         ancestors.reverse()         if len(ancestors) >= start_level:             ancestors = ancestors[start_level:]         else:             ancestors = []         context['ancestors'] = ancestors         context['template'] = template         return context   register.tag(showbreadcrumb)   def _raw_language_marker(language, lang_code):     return language   def _native_language_marker(language, lang_code):     force_language(lang_code):         return force_text(ugettext(language))   def _current_language_marker(language, lang_code):     return force_text(ugettext(language))   def _short_language_marker(language, lang_code):     return lang_code   markers = {     'raw': _raw_language_marker,     'native': _native_language_marker,     'current': _current_language_marker,     'short': _short_language_marker, } 

that exact same breadcrumb template use achieve this, long page structure similar to;

home   child     grandchild   child     grandchild 

you need load template menu tags like; {% show_breadcrumb 0 "partials/breadcrumb.html" 0 %}

the docs on menu tags here

don't forget, if have pages hidden menus, won't display in breadcrumbs either because they're created menu tags using page tree.


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