ios - Programmatically added buttons target action not working in custom tableviewcell -

i added programmatically 2 buttons in custom tableviewcell, target action not working. can solve problem ?(swift)

this code of adding buttons:

override func awakefromnib() {     super.awakefromnib()      func createcuebutton() -> uibutton{         let button = uibutton()         button.titlelabel?.textcolor = uicolor.whitecolor()         button.titlelabel?.font = uifont.boldsystemfontofsize(16.0)         return button     }      completebutton = createcuebutton()     completebutton.settitle("complete", forstate: uicontrolstate.normal)     completebutton.backgroundcolor = uicolor.greencolor()     completebutton.addtarget(self, action: "buttonpressed:", forcontrolevents: .touchupinside)     addsubview(completebutton)      deletebutton = createcuebutton()     deletebutton.settitle("delete", forstate: .normal)     deletebutton.backgroundcolor = uicolor.redcolor()     deletebutton.addtarget(self, action: "buttonpressed:", forcontrolevents: .touchupinside)     addsubview(deletebutton) }  func buttonpressed(sender: uibutton){      var alertview = uialertview();     alertview.addbuttonwithtitle("ok");     alertview.title = "alert";     alertview.message = "button pressed!!!";; }  override func layoutsubviews() {     super.layoutsubviews()      completebutton.frame = cgrect(x: 0, y: 0, width: cueswidth, height: bounds.size.height)     deletebutton.frame = cgrect(x: bounds.size.width - cueswidth, y: 0, width: cueswidth, height: bounds.size.height) } 

i preferred answer question, please follow below steps

 func tableview(tableview: uitableview, heightforrowatindexpath indexpath: nsindexpath) -> cgfloat   {     return 75  }   func tableview(tableview: uitableview, numberofrowsinsection section: int) -> int   {     return 1  }   func tableview(tableview: uitableview, cellforrowatindexpath indexpath: nsindexpath) -> uitableviewcell  {     let identifier = "custom"      var cell: customcell! = tableview.dequeuereusablecellwithidentifier(identifier) as? customcell      if cell == nil     {         tableviewcustom.registernib(uinib(nibname: "customcell", bundle: nil), forcellreuseidentifier: identifier)          cell = tableviewcustom.dequeuereusablecellwithidentifier(identifier) as? customcell      }      //first button adding in custom cell     let btn = uibutton.buttonwithtype(uibuttontype.custom) uibutton     btn.backgroundcolor = uicolor.greencolor()     btn.settitle("complete", forstate: uicontrolstate.normal)     btn.frame = cgrectmake(0, 6, 80, 40)     btn.addtarget(self, action: "completebuttontouched:", forcontrolevents: uicontrolevents.touchupinside)     cell.contentview.addsubview(btn)      //second button adding in customcell     let btn2 = uibutton.buttonwithtype(uibuttontype.custom) uibutton     btn2.backgroundcolor = uicolor.greencolor()     btn2.settitle("delete", forstate: uicontrolstate.normal)     btn2.frame = cgrectmake(180, 5, 80, 40)     btn2.addtarget(self, action: "deletebuttontouched:", forcontrolevents: uicontrolevents.touchupinside)     cell.contentview.addsubview(btn2)       return cell }   func completebuttontouched(sender:uibutton!) {     println("complete button target action works!!!") }   func deletebuttontouched(sender:uibutton!) {     println("delete button target action works!!!") } 

whatever when add button custom cell programmatically, please apply below code



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