python - merge a few lists and regroup them into a dictionary to plot to multi-series Highcharts -
animal = ['hamster', 'dolphin', 'ant', 'hamster', 'hamster', 'ant'] date = [20151007, 20151007, 20151007, 20141007, 20120101, 20010101] total = [27, 5, 5, 5, 18, 40]
i want combine these 3 list one. if animal same, should grouped , total should follow asc date. if animal type doesn't have enough date, it'll become 0. example:
[{'name': 'hamster', 'data': [0, 18, 5, 27]}, {'name': 'dolphin', 'data': [0, 0, 0, 5]}, {'name': 'ant', 'data': [40, 0, 0, 5]}]
i'm trying plot them highcharts dates in own list.
[20010101, 20120101, 20141007, 20151007]
i can combine lists using:
zip(animal, date, total)
but how them it's own type , arrange total asc date?
this how got far. don't think it's efficient. think? improvement suggest? (only pythonic suggestion pls)
b = [] k, v in enumerate(animal): counter = 0 in range(len(b)): try: if b[i]['name'] == v: b[i]['data'].append((date[k], total[k])) counter = counter + 1 except keyerror: continue if counter == 0: b.append({'name': v, 'data': [(date[k], total[k])]}) test = set(date) k, v in enumerate(list(ordereddict.fromkeys(animal))): x in test: try: in range(len(test)): if b[k]['data'][i][0] == x: break except indexerror: b[k]['data'].append((x, 0)) b[k]['data'].sort(key=itemgetter(0)) temp = [x[1] x in b[k]['data']] b[k]['data'] = [] b[k]['data'] = temp
[{'data': [0, 18, 5, 27], 'name': 'hamster'}, {'data': [0, 0, 0, 5], 'name': 'dolphin'}, {'data': [40, 0, 0, 5], 'name': 'ant'}]
i think want this:
animals = ['hamster', 'dolphin', 'ant', 'hamster', 'hamster', 'ant'] dates = [20151007, 20151007, 20151007, 20141007, 20120101, 20010101] totals = [27, 5, 5, 5, 18, 40] readings = list(zip(animals, dates, totals)) dates = set(dates) data = dict() animal in animals: data[animal] = {(date, total) (x, date, total) in readings if x == animal} missingdates = dates - {d[0] d in data[animal] } data[animal] |= {(date, 0) date in missingdates}
at point, data
{'dolphin': {(20120101, 0), (20151007, 5), (20141007, 0), (20010101, 0)}, 'hamster': {(20151007, 27), (20141007, 5), (20120101, 18), (20010101, 0)}, 'ant': {(20120101, 0), (20151007, 5), (20141007, 0), (20010101, 40)}}
and need pull apart , sort data each animal date. hope helps.
edit here's further explanation promised. unfortunately can't see comment , edit screen @ same time; hope answer points raised. after zipping 3 lists together, need extract data each animal. expression on right-hand side of
data[animal] = {(date, total) (x, date, total) in readings if x == animal}
is set comprehension, , gives set of (date, total) pairs related a specific animal. need find missing dates. used set difference this:
missingdates = dates - {d[0] d in data[animal] }
this why used sets: able write expression missing dates succinctly. instead, have used lists:
data[animal] = [(date, total) (x, date, total) in readings if x == animal] missingdates = [d d in dates if d not in [d[0] d in data[animal]]
if had done this, wouldn't have needed earlier statement
dates = set(dates)
but wanted avoid convoluted expression missingdates, , didn't want write
presentdates = [d[0] d in data[animal] missingdates = [d d in dates if d not in presentdates]
now have add pairs (date, 0) missing dates. if had used lists, write
data[animal] += [(date, 0) date in missingdates]
but +
operation isn't defined sets; need used union. (the union of 2 sets set of elements belong @ least 1 of 2 sets.) union operation represented as|
. you're correct can represent bitwise or of 2 integers, can represent other operations well, +
mean addition of number or concatenation of lists. so:
data[animal] |= {(date, 0) date in missingdates}
if you're not comfortable sets, means use lists instead, should make point of learning sets. they're extremely useful.
to continue past point wrote earlier, need sort data[animal] date. here have change lists, because sets unsorted.
data[animal] = list(data[animal]) data[animal].sort() data[animal] = [d[1] d in data[animal]]
of course, if elect use lists throughout, don't need first of these lines.
i hope clears you. let me know if have further questions.
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