PHPUnit + Sonarqube exported coverage do not match with actual xml result -

sonarqube: 5.1.2 sonar-runner: 2.2.1 php plugin: 2.6 phpunit 4.2.6

we're running phpunit on our application i'm not able correct coverage % on sonar expected.

in phpunit.xml have filters defining folders want cover.

<whitelist adduncoveredfilesfromwhitelist="false">             <directory>./site-library-php/src/main/php/babelcentral/model/content</directory>         </whitelist> 

in sonar properties

sonar.modules=php-module php-module.sonar.phpunit.coverage.analyzeonly=true php-module.sonar.phpunit.analyzeonly=true php-module.sonar.php.tests.reportpath=site-main-php/src/test/target/reports/phpunit.xml php-module.sonar.php.coverage.reportpath=site-main-php/src/test/target/reports/phpunit.coverage.xml 

viewing log on jenkins, tests seem run fine , ends with:

tests: 1479, assertions: 4165, failures: 58, incomplete: 14, skipped: 55.  generating code coverage report in clover xml format ... done  generating code coverage report in html format ... done // further down 11:47:51.973 info  - analyzing phpunit test report: site-main-php/src/test/target/reports/phpunit.xml org.sonar.plugins.php.phpunit.phpunitresultparser@35e7e715 11:47:52.604 info  - analyzing phpunit unit test coverage report: site-main-php/src/test/target/reports/phpunit.coverage.xml phpunit unit test coverage result parser 

all seems working well. however, sonar report different result, covering entire source folder. these number shown on dashboard.

unit tests coverage 1.8% line coverage 1.8% unit test success 95.9%  

is there anyway have sonar respect phpunit's configured filter?

note: i'm able achieve desired numbers on coverage if explicitly set


to directories/files want. it's that, comma-separated config hard manage phpunit's xml config.

defining set of source files should analysed sonarqube crucial: it's on set of files coding rules applied , metrics computed. sonar.sources therefore mandatory property , main way configure set of source files.

other properties may used refine set of source files:

  • you may configure sonar.tests: test files automatically excluded sonar.sources.
  • you may have exclude other php files dependencies or generated code sonar.exclusions.

you should aware several plugins may contribute global coverage of project: if installed javascript plugin , if sonar.sources contains javascript files, taken account when calculating coverage metrics.

if you're interested in adjusting coverage, can exclude files coverage metrics sonar.coverage.exclusions.


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