go - How to access/Install/Setup Web Panel on live application RethinkDB -

i've looked extensively , hit many brick walls.

we utilising rethinkdb in invmail.io portion of tech stack have acquired , intergrated lb source invite system, understand database driven.

though finding experienced developers in rethinkdb's prooving quiet difficult, http://rethinkdb.com/docs/administration-tools/. have web panel active yet can not find guide on how on live application can login , see invite , update wording.

any advice appreciated.

the dashboard should available without doing extra. when runs it, see thing like

$ rethinkdb info: creating directory .../rethinkdb_data info: listening intracluster connections on port 29015 info: listening client driver connections on port 28015 info: listening administrative http connections on port 8080 info: server ready 

when run rethinkdb, web panel admin runs on port 8080 default.but default binds loopback address: when putting on production server, cannot access using server_ip:8080. however, accessing via inside production server should work.

other reasons maybe because, accidently change different port in config file.

first, verify can reach dashboard locally on production. sshing production server, try like:

  • lsof -i :8080
  • curl

if nothing listen on port, or does't respond, ensure don't change http port. check configuration.

once verified can reach locally on production server. had option access outside:

  • simplest way think using ssh port forwarding this

    ssh -fntl localhost:8080: username@ipaddress_of_server

    then on pc, visiting http://localhost:8080 show web panel of production rethinkdb. it forwards traffic port 8080 local computer, on server sshing to.

  • install proxy squid on production server. squid runs on production server, can talk rethinkdb dashboard. configure browser/network use proxy when need access admin dashboard. ensure config squid , authentication.

  • install vpn openvpn or strongswan on server. change binding address lan ip. after connecting vpn, can reached via lan ip. if runs on ec2 classical, can create virtual interface, , bind it. never bind private ip of classical ec2 server, or if do, ensure setup security group or using iptable allow office access it.


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