mysql - How to load configuration variables in rails via yaml files -

i trying use environment variable in config/database.yml.

this local_env.yml:

# local environment variables mysql_sock: "/tmp/mysql.sock" 

then check if correct rails console , sure enough:

>> irb(main):002:0> env["mysql_sock"] => "/tmp/mysql.sock" 

however in config/database.yml:

default: &default   adapter: mysql2   socket: env["mysql_sock"] 

i following error:

mysql2::error: can't connect local mysql server through socket 'env["mysql_sock"]' (2) 


default: &default   adapter: mysql2   socket: "/tmp/mysql.sock" 


what going wrong?

this practise followed defining configuration variables app ids, secret keys, s3 credentials etc , file put in .gitignore.

create yml file settings.yml (generally) or local_env.yml. define keys according environment.

development:   mysql_sock: "/tmp/mysql.sock" production:   mysql_sock: "file path here"  

and load via initializers. create file name "0_load_config.rb" inside initializers directory. '0' added in filename because file should loaded first other initializers.

then load local_env.yml file in constant

local_env = yaml.load_file("#{rails.root}/config/local_env.yml")[rails.env] 

then can access variable in application. can check via rails console also:


it give vaue had provided in local_env.yml i.e "/tmp/mysql.sock".


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