xcode - iOS convert UTC string to local date -


nsdateformatter *fmt = [[nsdateformatter alloc] init];     fmt.dateformat = @"yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss";     nsdate *utc = [fmt datefromstring:strtime];      nstimezone *tz = [nstimezone defaulttimezone];     nsinteger seconds = [tz secondsfromgmtfordate: utc];      nsdate *localdate = [nsdate datewithtimeinterval:seconds sincedate:utc];     nsstring *local = [fmt stringfromdate:localdate];     nslog(@"local time%@", local);    nsdate *localdate = [fmt datefromstring:local]; 

i getting utc string server. converted local string try convert local date. date showing in utc format.what wrong code?any appreciated.thanks in advance

try out:

nsdateformatter *fmt = [[nsdateformatter alloc] init]; fmt.dateformat = @"yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"; nsdate *utc = [fmt datefromstring:<your_utc_string>]; fmt.timezone = [nstimezone systemtimezone]; nsstring *local = [fmt stringfromdate:utc]; nslog(@"%@", local); 


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