python - Matplotlib: How do I have the xtick labels apear on the other side of the x-axis? -

in bar chart:

enter image description here

how make x-axis labels appear in bars of bar-chart , left-aligned x-axis?

i tried ax.xaxis.labelpad() method not seem anything.

you can set y location of ticks when call set_xticklabels. so, if set y small positive, should placed inside bars.

for example:

import matplotlib.pyplot plt fig,ax = plt.subplots(1)[0,1,2,3],[7900,9400,8700,9990],facecolor='#5080b0',edgecolor='k',width=0.3)  ax.set_xticks([0.15,1.15,2.15,3.15])  ax.set_xticklabels(['beek1','beek2','orbath','kroo'],                    rotation='vertical',y=0.05,va='bottom') 

produces following plot:

enter image description here


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