datetime - c++ get years between date chosen by user and actual date(counting days,months,years) -
i tried doing this:
struct den_t { int day, month, year; }; int main() { struct den_t* datum = new struct den_t; struct den_t* dnes = new struct den_t; time_t thetime = time(null); struct tm atime; localtime_s(&atime, &thetime); dnes->day = atime.tm_mday; dnes->month = atime.tm_mon + 1; dnes->year = atime.tm_yday + 1900; cin >> datum->day >> datum->month >> datum->year; if (dnes->year - datum->year >= 18 ) cout << "full aged " << endl; else cout << "not full aged " << endl; system("pause"); return 0; }
but somehow cant understand what should compare , decrement,could explain me
what else need tell people's date example in float comparing year,month , day of actual time , date user inputs in program?
using these libraries:
this how tackle problem. first code, explanation:
#include "tz.h" #include "date.h" #include <iostream> int main() { using namespace date; using namespace std::chrono; std::cout << "enter birthday [day month year]:"; int di, mi, yi; std::cin >> di >> mi >> yi; if ( { std::cout << "invalid date\n"; return 1; } auto y = year{yi}; if (!y.ok()) { std::cout << "invalid year\n"; return 1; } auto m = month(mi); if (!m.ok()) { std::cout << "invalid month\n"; return 1; } auto d = day(di); if (!d.ok()) { std::cout << "invalid day\n"; return 1; } auto birthday = y/m/d; if (!birthday.ok()) { std::cout << "invalid birthday\n"; return 1; } auto local_time = current_zone()->to_local(system_clock::now()); auto today = year_month_day{floor<days>(local_time)}; auto age = today.year() - birthday.year(); if (birthday + age > today) --age; if (age >= years{18}) std::cout << "full aged @ " << age.count() << "\n"; else std::cout << "not full aged @ " << age.count() << "\n"; }
i first go trouble check validity of user input. have below seems minimum:
- it must integral input.
- each integral input must have reasonable value (e.g. month must in range [1, 12].
- the combination y/m/d must valid date.
a more robust program might give user feedback on input, , give him chance correct mistake.
once assured have valid birthday, need current date in local timezone. this:
auto local_time = current_zone()->to_local(system_clock::now());
gets local time.
this local time can converted local year, month , day with:
auto today = year_month_day{floor<days>(local_time)};
this computation follows custom birthday begins @ local midnight, regardless of time of day (and on planet) born. in other words, once local year/month/day established, problem independent of local time zone, , local time of day.
next, current age computed:
auto age = today.year() - birthday.year(); if (birthday + age > today) --age;
the difference between years of today , birthday first approximation age. approximation refined computing date on birthday falls this year. if year's birthday still in future, custom count 1 year younger. if doing leaned less towards legal system, , more towards scientific work, might compute in other ways, such rounding nearest year (also easy library).
if birthday on feb 29, above code still works: birthday + age
result (75% chance) in invalid date, e.g.: feb/29/2015. invalid date correctly compare greater feb/28/2015 , less mar/1/2015, need to! invalid dates friend, not enemy -- have know exist , them.
now simple matter report findings:
if (age >= years{18}) std::cout << "full aged @ " << age.count() << "\n"; else std::cout << "not full aged @ " << age.count() << "\n";
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