node.js - Google prediction API v1.6 - How can I make server to server call? -
i'm experimenting google prediction api v1.6. i've followed getting started section, , created model using explorer api.
now, model ready , prediction results explorer satisfying.
now when i'm trying move forward (using nodejs), i'm lost ... i've looked @ this library couldn't figure out how make call prediction.trainedmodels.predict
without client side consent screen.
faced same problem, here found:
1 you'll need create service account.
- go google developers console
- click apis & auth > credentials
- add credentials service account, download generated service account's public/private key
recommendation: application can complete these tasks either using google apis client library language, or directly interacting oauth 2.0 system using http. however, mechanics of server-to-server authentication interactions require applications create , cryptographically sign json web tokens (jwts), , it's easy make serious errors can have severe impact on security of application.
for reason, encourage use libraries, such google apis client libraries, abstract cryptography away application code.
- in server code should follow steps
- create json web token (jwt, pronounced "jot"), includes header, claim set, , signature.
- request access token google oauth 2.0 authorization server.
- handle json response authorization server returns.
use google api node js lib handle auth more easy.
var key = require('path/to/key.json'); var jwtclient = new google.auth.jwt(key.client_email, null, key.private_key, [scope1, scope2], null); jwtclient.authorize(function(err, tokens) { if (err) { console.log(err); return; } // make authorized request list drive files. drive.files.list({ auth: jwtclient }, function(err, resp) { // handle err , response }); });
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