Summarize observations in r -

this question has answer here:

i have been working on following csv file own practice.

i not sure of how following:

  • summarize observations same team (teamid) in same year adding component values. is, should end 1 record per team per year, , record should have year, team name, total runs, total hits, total x2b ,…. total hbp.

here code have far giving me 1 team per year yet need teams each year totals (e.g, 1980, need teams totalruns,totalhits,.....,for 1981, teams totalruns,totalhits,.... , on)

newdat1 <- read.csv("")  id <- split(1:nrow(newdata1), newdata1$yearid)  a2 <- data.frame(yearid=sapply(id, function(i)  newdata1$yearid[i[1]]),     teamid=sapply(id,function(i) newdata$teamid[i[1]]),         totalruns=sapply(id, function(i) sum(newdata1$r[i],na.rm=true)),          totalhits=sapply(id, function(i) sum(newdata1$h[i],na.rm=true)),     totalx2b=sapply(id, function(i) sum(newdata1$x2b[i],na.rm=true)),     totalx3b=sapply(id, function(i) sum(newdata1$x3b[i],na.rm=true)),     totalhr=sapply(id, function(i) sum(newdata1$hr[i],na.rm=true)),     totalbb=sapply(id, function(i) sum(newdata1$bb[i],na.rm=true)),      totalsb=sapply(id, function(i) sum(newdata1$sb[i],na.rm=true)),     totalgidp=sapply(id, function(i) sum(newdata1$gidp[i],na.rm=true)),     totalibb=sapply(id, function(i) sum(newdata1$ibb[i],na.rm=true)),     totalhbp=sapply(id, function(i) sum(newdata1$hbp[i],na.rm=true))) a2 

perhaps try like:

library("dplyr") newdata1 %>%     group_by(yearid, teamid) %>%     summarize_each(funs(sum(., na.rm = t)), r, h, x2b,                        x3b, hr, bb, sb, gidp, ibb, hbp) 

naturally useful if you're comfortable dplyr library. guess without looking @ data closely.

also, instead of listing each column wish sum over, can use alternatively do

 summarize_each(funs(sum(., na.rm = t)), -column_to_exclude1, -column_to_exlude2) 

and forth.


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