python - numpy filter points within bounding box -
i have list of 2d points [(x1,y1),(x2,y2),...,(xn,yn)]
in numpy, how list of points within bounding box specified corners ((bx1,by1),(bx2,by2))
if c++ use ogc "within" specification in boost geometry filter list.
right i'm dealing list of indexes nxn 2d numpy array, expect should 1-2 lines of code numpy.
using combination of all
, logical_and
, <=
operator, 1 can express main idea in 1 line.
import random import numpy np matplotlib import pyplot points = [(random.random(), random.random()) in range(100)] bx1, bx2 = sorted([random.random(), random.random()]) by1, by2 = sorted([random.random(), random.random()]) pts = np.array(points) ll = np.array([bx1, by1]) # lower-left ur = np.array([bx2, by2]) # upper-right inidx = np.all(np.logical_and(ll <= pts, pts <= ur), axis=1) inbox = pts[inidx] outbox = pts[np.logical_not(inidx)] # drawing rect = np.array([[bx1, by1], [bx1, by2], [bx2, by2], [bx2, by1], [bx1, by1]]) pyplot.plot(inbox[:, 0], inbox[:, 1], 'rx', outbox[:, 0], outbox[:, 1], 'bo', rect[:, 0], rect[:, 1], 'g-')
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