objective c - Unity Plugin for iOS with UIViews like UICollectionView -

i building unity ios plugin other developers can integrate in unity projects. possible build unity plugin loads uiviewcontroller can contain uiviews uicollectionview show data web service. can uiviewcontroller come xib file? how handling of ios auto layouts, work within unity ios plugin?

i new unity , seems me supports .h , .m files indicating i'll have programmatically create uiviews?

after long time spent research, reading manage figure out steps develop unity plugin work existing objective-c cocoa touch framework binary.

  1. you need build regular unity plugin access objective-c code. the lazy coder has great tutorials on how that. recommend going through initial few videos before reading further.

  2. within .mm file can access unitygetglviewcontroller() gives access root view controller , can load view controllers in framework binary like: [unitygetglviewcontroller() presentviewcontroller: animated: completion:nil]; of type uiviewcontroller

  3. the cocoa touch framework added under embedded binaries in resulting xcode project unity build. critical point thinking somehow able include framework file within unity plugin package don't think possible.


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