angularjs - Angular curly braces not processed for lazy loading directive -

i trying use 2 directives inside directive, last directive compiled content still has it's curly lazy loading directive, happens when click on image. idea why happens? here demo: demo on plnker

(function (angular) {      angular.module("app", []).directive("expandinggrid", [          "$http", function($window) {              return {                  restrict: "e",                  templateurl:"grid.tmpl.html",                  controller: [                      "$scope", "$http", "$attrs", function($scope, $http, $attrs) {                          var self = this;                          $scope.items = [];                          var $element = $attrs.$$element;                          $scope.items = [{title:"emanuel", desciption:"taking test"}];                      } ]              }          }      ]).directive("griditem", [          "$timeout", "$compile", function($timeout, $compile) {              return {                transclude:true,                  restrict: "ea",                  require: "^expandinggrid",                  templateurl: "griditem.tmpl.html",                  controller: [                      "$scope", "$http", "$attrs", function ($scope, $http, $attrs) {                                               }                  ],                  link: function(scope, element, attrs) {                      element.on("click", function(event) {                        scope.preview = {name:"emanuel", title:"detailed description"};                          var $html = $("<div preview-item scope='preview'></div>");                          var el=$compile($html)(scope);                          element.append(el);                      });                  }              }          }      ]).directive("previewitem", [           function() {              return {                  transclude: true,                  scope:false,                  restrict: "ea",                  template: "{{preview.title}}",                  controller:["$scope", function($scope){                    //alert()                  }]                                }          }      ]);    })(window.angular);
<!doctype html>  <html lang="en">      <head>      <meta charset="utf-8" />      <title>example - example-example19-production</title>      <script data-require="jquery@*" data-semver="2.1.4" src=""></script>      <script src="//"></script>      <script src="script.js"></script>    </head>      <body ng-app="app">      <expanding-grid></expanding-grid>          </body>    </html>    <-- grid template--!>  <ul id="og-grid" class="og-grid clearfix">    <li ng-repeat="item in items" grid-item scope="item"></li>  </ul>        <-- grid item template--!>      <a href="#" data-title="{{item.title}}" data-description="{{item.description}}" >          <img src="" alt="img01" />  </a>

well... adding append in $timeout seems trick.

element.on("click", function(event) {     scope.preview = {name:"emanuel", title:"detailed description"};     var $html = $("<div preview-item scope='preview'></div>");     var el=$compile($html)(scope);     $timeout(function(){         element.append(el);     }, 0); }); 


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