c# - What is the best way to implement both swipe and click over a Relative Layout in android? -

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creating relative layout , want add click swipe(touch , move pointer on layout move in real time) , detect left , right swipe. have tried following code far.

public bool ontouch(view v, motionevent e)     {         if (gesturedetector.ontouchevent(e))         {             //this click             return true;         }         else         {             int initialtouchx = 0, initialtouchy = 0;             int newx = 0;             var x = v.left;             switch (e.action)             {                  case motioneventactions.down:                     {                         _viewx = e.getx();                         _viewy = e.gety();                         initialtouchx = (int)e.rawx;                         initialtouchy = (int)e.rawy;                         break;                     }                  case motioneventactions.move:                     {                          var left = (int)(e.rawx - _viewx);                         newx = left;                         var right = (int)(left + v.width);                          var top = (int)(e.rawy - _viewy);                         var bottom = (int)(top + v.height);                          v.layout(left, top, right, bottom);                          break;                     }                 case motioneventactions.up:                     {                         int lastx = (int)e.getx();                         int lasty = (int)e.gety();                        if ((x - newx) > 40)                         {                           //detect right swipe                          }                         else if ((newx - x > 40))                         {             //detect left swipe                         }                         else                         {                             //skip others                         }         break;                     }              }         }         return true;     } 

my code gesturedetector.ontouchevent(e)

gesturedetector = new gesturedetector(this, new singletapup());  class singletapup : android.views.gesturedetector.simpleongesturelistener      {          public override bool onsingletapup(motionevent e) {            // toast.maketext(this,, toastlength.long).show();             return true;         }      } 

my code working fine on devices emulator. not working , onclick layout moves automatically(the layout out centers @ touch pointer). think wrong , causing issue. can suggest me best/standard way it. appreciated.

im implementing swype in way:

public class mainactivity : activity, gesturedetector.iongesturelistener { private gesturedetector _gesturedetector;  public bool ondown(motionevent e)     {         return false;     }     public bool onfling(motionevent e1, motionevent e2, float velocityx, float velocityy)     {         bool result = false;         int swipe_threshold = 80;         int swipe_velocity_threshold = 80;         try         {             float diffy = e2.gety() - e1.gety();             float diffx = e2.getx() - e1.getx();             if (math.abs(diffx) > math.abs(diffy))             {                 if (math.abs(diffx) > swipe_threshold && math.abs(velocityx) > swipe_velocity_threshold)                 {                     if (diffx > 0)                     {                         //code swipe right here                      }                     else                     {                         //code swipe left here                      }                 }             }         }         catch (exception exception)         {             //exception.printstacktrace();         }         return result;     }     public void onlongpress(motionevent e) {}     public bool onscroll(motionevent e1, motionevent e2, float distancex, float distancey)     {         return false;     }     public void onshowpress(motionevent e) {}     public bool onsingletapup(motionevent e)     {         return false;     } public override bool ontouchevent(motionevent e)     {         _gesturedetector.ontouchevent(e);         return false;     }      protected override void oncreate (bundle bundle)     {         base.oncreate (bundle);          setcontentview (resource.layout.main);         _gesturedetector = new gesturedetector(this);      } } 

for viewpager can overlap pages pagetransformation:

using system;  using android.views; using android.support.v4.view;  namespace somename { public class sinkandslidetransformer : java.lang.object, viewpager.ipagetransformer { public void transformpage(view view, float position) { if (position < -1 || position > 1)  { view.alpha = 0; // view offscreen. }  else { view.alpha = 1;  if (position < 0)  { // 'sink' view if it's left. // scale view. view.scalex = 1 - math.abs (position); view.scaley = 1 - math.abs (position);  // set translationx keep view in middle. view.translationx = view.width * math.abs (position); }  } } } } 

which give effect:
enter image description here

with adapter:

using system; using system.collections.generic;  using android.app; using android.content; using android.runtime; using android.views; using android.widget; using android.os; using android.support.v4.view;  using square.picasso;  namespace staffpro { public class slideshowpageradapter : pageradapter {     list<uri> _items = new list<uri>();     private readonly activity _context;      public slideshowpageradapter (activity context, list<uri> items) : base()     {         _items = items;         _context = context;     }     public override int count      {         { return _items.count; }     }     public override bool isviewfromobject(view view, java.lang.object _object)      {         return view == ((relativelayout) _object);     }     public override java.lang.object instantiateitem(viewgroup container, int position)     {         var view = layoutinflater.from (container.context).inflate (resource.layout.slideshowviewpager, container, false);         imageview imageview = view.findviewbyid<imageview> (resource.id.slideshowimageview);         picasso.with(_context).load(_items [position].tostring()).into(imageview);         container.addview(view);          return view;     }     public override void destroyitem(viewgroup container, int position, java.lang.object _object)     {         container.removeview((view)_object);     } } } 

and call viewpages , adapter this:

var viewpageradapter = new slideshowpageradapter(activity, some_uri_images);         slideshowviewpager.adapter = viewpageradapter;         slideshowviewpager.setpagetransformer (true, new sinkandslidetransformer ()); 

more transformations can find here.

also keep in mind viewpager has method called setpagemargin(). method can receive negative value make fragments/views overlap each other.
can use view.rotation inside transformation code implement photo randomly dropped , overlapped effect want.
if need retain many images loaded , displayed check viewpager.offscreenpagelimit override default cache limit of storing pages next , previous item, careful high memory usage however.


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