php - Unable to authenticate mongoDB -

from mongo client looks can authenticate:

> use admin switched db admin > db.auth('admin','secretpassword'); 1 > 

but when trying connect in config file in codeigniter code

$config['mongo_server'] = null; $config['mongo_dbname'] = 'admin'; $config['mongo_db']['active'] = 'default';  $config['mongo_db']['default']['no_auth'] = false; $config['mongo_db']['default']['hostname'] = 'localhost'; $config['mongo_db']['default']['port'] = '27017'; $config['mongo_db']['default']['username'] = 'admin'; $config['mongo_db']['default']['password'] = 'secretpassword'; $config['mongo_db']['default']['database'] = 'mydb'; $config['mongo_db']['default']['db_debug'] = true; $config['mongo_db']['default']['return_as'] = 'array'; $config['mongo_db']['default']['write_concerns'] = (int)1; $config['mongo_db']['default']['journal'] = true; $config['mongo_db']['default']['read_preference'] = null; $config['mongo_db']['default']['read_preference_tags'] = null;  $config['mongo_db']['default']['no_auth'] = false; $config['mongo_db']['test']['hostname'] = 'localhost'; $config['mongo_db']['test']['port'] = '27017'; $config['mongo_db']['test']['username'] = ''; $config['mongo_db']['test']['password'] = ''; $config['mongo_db']['test']['database'] = ''; $config['mongo_db']['test']['db_debug'] = true; $config['mongo_db']['test']['return_as'] = 'array'; $config['mongo_db']['test']['write_concerns'] = (int)1; $config['mongo_db']['test']['journal'] = true; $config['mongo_db']['test']['read_preference'] = null; $config['mongo_db']['test']['read_preference_tags'] = null; 

i getting error

unable connect mongodb: failed connect to: localhost:27017: authentication failed on database 'mydb' username 'admin': auth failed 

i use simple library

create mongo.php in config.php

$config['mongo_server'] = 'localhost'; $config['mongo_dbname'] = 'yourdbname'; 

and mongo.php in libraries

<?php class ci_mongo extends mongo {     var $db;      function ci_mongo()     {            // fetch codeigniter instance         $ci = get_instance();         // load mongo configuration file         $ci->load->config('mongo');          // fetch mongo server , database configuration         $server = $ci->config->item('mongo_server');         $dbname = $ci->config->item('mongo_dbname');          // initialise mongo         if ($server)         {             parent::__construct($server);         }         else         {             parent::__construct();         }         $this->db = $this->$dbname;     } } 

now can check, in controller:

function index(){  $posts = $this->mongo->yourdbname->yourcollection->find();  foreach($posts $id => $b){ echo $b['somefieldontable']; } } 


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