LAG/LEAD equivalent with grouping (SQL Server 2008 R2) -
note: using sql server 2008 r2 , built in lead/lag functions not available.
i need update table's column contain 'previous' , 'next' values productid - table needs store prevproductid (lag), productid , nextproductid (lead). code below nicely , adapted geri reshef's answer
use adventureworks2008r2 go t1 ( select row_number() over(order salesorderid,productid) n, s.salesorderid, s.productid sales.salesorderdetail s salesorderid in (43670, 43667, 43663) ) select salesorderid, case when n%2=1 max(case when n%2=0 productid end) on (partition n/2) else max(case when n%2=1 productid end) on (partition (n+1)/2) end prevproductid, productid, case when n%2=1 max(case when n%2=0 productid end) on (partition (n+1)/2) else max(case when n%2=1 productid end) on (partition n/2) end nextproductid t1 order t1.salesorderid, t1.productid
these results , lag/lead applied rows.
salesorderid prevproductid productid nextproductid ------------ ------------- ----------- ------------- 43663 null 760 710 43667 760 710 773 43667 710 773 775 43667 773 775 778 43667 775 778 709 43670 778 709 710 43670 709 710 773 43670 710 773 776 43670 773 776 null
what need group lag/lead values salesorderid first occurrence pointing lag of null , last occurrence pointing lead of null within salesorderid group.
salesorderid prevproductid productid nextproductid ------------ ------------- ----------- ------------- 43663 null 760 null 43667 null 710 773 43667 710 773 775 43667 773 775 778 43667 775 778 null 43670 null 709 710 43670 709 710 773 43670 710 773 776 43670 773 776 null
thanks in advance suggestions.
you can adding salesorderid
each of partition by
clauses in query (row_number() over()
, 4 x max() over()
with t1 ( select salesorderid, productid, n = row_number() over(partition salesorderid order salesorderid, productid) (values (43663, 760), (43667, 710), (43667, 773), (43667, 775), (43667, 778), (43670, 709), (43670, 710), (43670, 773), (43670, 776), (43680, 1), (43680, 2), (43680, 3), (43680, 4), (43680, 5), (43680, 6), (43680, 7), (43680, 8), (43680, 9), (43680, 10), (43681, 1), (43681, 2), (43681, 3), (43681, 4), (43681, 5), (43681, 6), (43681, 7), (43681, 8), (43681, 9), (43681, 10) ) x (salesorderid, productid) ) select t1.salesorderid, prevproductid = case when n % 2 = 1 max(case when n % 2 = 0 t1.productid end) over(partition t1.salesorderid, n / 2) else max(case when n % 2 = 1 productid end) over(partition t1.salesorderid, (n + 1) / 2) end, t1.productid, nextproductid = case when n % 2 = 1 max(case when n % 2 = 0 t1.productid end) over(partition t1.salesorderid, (n + 1) / 2) else max(case when n % 2 = 1 productid end) over(partition t1.salesorderid, n / 2) end t1;
which (excluding additional rows have added further testing) yields:
salesorderid prevproductid productid nextproductid --------------------------------------------------------------- 43663 null 760 null 43667 null 710 773 43667 710 773 775 43667 773 775 778 43667 775 778 null 43670 null 709 710 43670 709 710 773 43670 710 773 776 43670 773 776 null
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