android - How to make a Wheel picker -

i trying make wheel picker this have tried downloading project files included in .zip download wheel-demo.apk , notes.txt. notes.txt not have instructions on how use file android studio. found post suggested using listviews create same effect. rather making own spent day searching internet , found source code here when imported files project ide showed dozens of errors. through trial , error managed fix 3 errors. pretty sure have put relevant code below

onwheelscrolllistener scrolledlistener = new onwheelscrolllistener() {     public void onscrollingstarted(wheelview wheel)     {         wheelscrolled = true;// "cannot resolve symbol wheelscrolled     }      public void onscrollingfinished(wheelview wheel)     {         wheelscrolled = false;// "cannot resolve symbol wheelscrolled         updatestatus();     } };  // wheel changed listener private final onwheelchangedlistener changedlistener = new onwheelchangedlistener() {     public void onchanged(wheelview wheel, int oldvalue, int newvalue)     {         if (!wheelscrolled)// "cannot resolve symbol wheelscrolled         {             updatestatus();         }     } }; private void initwheel1(int id) {     wheelview wheel = (wheelview) findviewbyid(id);     wheel.setadapter(new arraywheeladapter<string>(wheelmenu1)); //cannot resolve method 'setadapter(com.projectname.arraywheeladapter<java.lang.string>)     wheel.setvisibleitems(2);     wheel.setcurrentitem(0);     wheel.addchanginglistener(changedlistener);     wheel.addscrollinglistener(scrolledlistener); }

public interface onwheelscrolllistener { /**  * callback method invoked when scrolling started.  * @param wheel wheel view state has changed.  */ void onscrollingstarted(wheelview wheel);  /**  * callback method invoked when scrolling ended.  * @param wheel wheel view state has changed.  */ void onscrollingfinished(wheelview wheel);}

    public interface onwheelchangedlistener {     /**      * callback method invoked when current item changed      * @param wheel wheel view state has changed      * @param oldvalue old value of current item      * @param newvalue new value of current item      */     void onchanged(wheelview wheel, int oldvalue, int newvalue); }

    public class arraywheeladapter<t> extends abstractwheeltextadapter {      // items     private t items[];      /**      * constructor      * @param context current context      * @param items items      */     public arraywheeladapter(context context, t items[]) {         super(context);          //setemptyitemresource(text_view_item_resource);         this.items = items;     }      @override     public charsequence getitemtext(int index) {         if (index >= 0 && index < items.length) {             t item = items[index];             if (item instanceof charsequence) {                 return (charsequence) item;             }             return item.tostring();         }         return null;     }      @override     public int getitemscount() {         return items.length;     } } 

all 3 of .java files have been added import list in mainactivity thinking might solve issue, didn't. thank advice far.

try this

public class mainactivity extends activity     {         // todo: externalize string-array         string wheelmenu1[] = new string[]{"name 1", "name 2", "name 3", "name 4", "name 5", "name 6","name 7","name 8","name 9"};         string wheelmenu2[] = new string[]{"age 1", "age 2", "age 3"};         string wheelmenu3[] = new string[]{"10", "20","30","40","50","60"};          // wheel scrolled flag         private boolean wheelscrolled = false;          private textview text;         private edittext text1;         private edittext text2;         private edittext text3;          @override         public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate)             {                 super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);                 setcontentview(r.layout.main);                  initwheel1(;                 initwheel2(;                 initwheel3(;                  text1 = (edittext) this.findviewbyid(;                 text2 = (edittext) this.findviewbyid(;                 text3 = (edittext) this.findviewbyid(;                 text = (textview) this.findviewbyid(;             }          // wheel scrolled listener         onwheelscrolllistener scrolledlistener = new onwheelscrolllistener()             {                 public void onscrollstarts(wheelview wheel)                     {                         wheelscrolled = true;                     }                  public void onscrollends(wheelview wheel)                     {                         wheelscrolled = false;                         updatestatus();                     }             };          // wheel changed listener         private final onwheelchangedlistener changedlistener = new onwheelchangedlistener()             {                 public void onchanged(wheelview wheel, int oldvalue, int newvalue)                     {                         if (!wheelscrolled)                             {                                 updatestatus();                             }                     }             };          /**          * updates entered pin status          */         private void updatestatus()             {                 text1.settext(wheelmenu1[getwheel(]);                 text2.settext(wheelmenu2[getwheel(]);                 text3.settext(wheelmenu3[getwheel(]);                  text.settext(wheelmenu1[getwheel(] + " - " + wheelmenu2[getwheel(] + " - " + wheelmenu3[getwheel(]);             }          /**          * initializes wheel          *           * @param id          *          wheel widget id          */          private void initwheel1(int id)             {                 wheelview wheel = (wheelview) findviewbyid(id);                 wheel.setadapter(new arraywheeladapter<string>(wheelmenu1));                 wheel.setvisibleitems(2);                 wheel.setcurrentitem(0);                 wheel.addchanginglistener(changedlistener);                 wheel.addscrollinglistener(scrolledlistener);             }          private void initwheel2(int id)             {                 wheelview wheel = (wheelview) findviewbyid(id);                 wheel.setadapter(new arraywheeladapter<string>(wheelmenu2));                 wheel.setvisibleitems(2);                 wheel.setcurrentitem(0);                 wheel.addchanginglistener(changedlistener);                 wheel.addscrollinglistener(scrolledlistener);             }          private void initwheel3(int id)             {                 wheelview wheel = (wheelview) findviewbyid(id);                  wheel.setadapter(new arraywheeladapter<string>(wheelmenu3));                 wheel.setvisibleitems(2);                 wheel.setcurrentitem(0);                 wheel.addchanginglistener(changedlistener);                 wheel.addscrollinglistener(scrolledlistener);             }          /**          * returns wheel id          *           * @param id          *          wheel id          * @return wheel passed id          */         private wheelview getwheel(int id)             {                 return (wheelview) findviewbyid(id);             }          /**          * tests wheel value          *           * @param id          *          wheel id          * @param value          *          value test          * @return true if wheel value equal passed value          */         private int getwheelvalue(int id)             {                 return getwheel(id).getcurrentitem();             }     } 


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  <linearlayout     xmlns:android=""     android:layout_width="fill_parent"     android:layout_height="wrap_content"     android:orientation="vertical"     android:background="@drawable/layout_bg">       <linearlayout         android:layout_margintop="24dp"         android:layout_gravity="center_horizontal"         android:layout_width="wrap_content"         android:layout_height="wrap_content">          <com.example.wheel.wheelview             android:id="@+id/p1"             android:layout_height="wrap_content"             android:layout_width="wrap_content" />         <com.example.wheel.wheelview             android:id="@+id/p2"             android:layout_height="wrap_content"             android:layout_width="wrap_content" />         <com.example.wheel.wheelview             android:id="@+id/p3"             android:layout_height="wrap_content"             android:layout_width="wrap_content" />     </linearlayout>      <linearlayout         android:orientation="horizontal"         android:layout_gravity="center_horizontal"         android:layout_width="wrap_content"         android:layout_height="wrap_content"         android:layout_margintop="24dp">         <edittext             android:id="@+id/r1"             android:layout_width="100dip"             android:layout_height="wrap_content"             android:layout_margintop="24dp"             android:layout_gravity="center_horizontal"             android:textsize="18sp"             android:textcolor="#000">         </edittext>         <edittext             android:id="@+id/r2"             android:layout_width="80dip"             android:layout_height="wrap_content"             android:layout_margintop="24dp"             android:layout_gravity="center_horizontal"             android:textsize="18sp"             android:textcolor="#000">         </edittext>         <edittext             android:id="@+id/r3"             android:layout_width="80dip"             android:layout_height="wrap_content"             android:layout_margintop="24dp"             android:layout_gravity="center_horizontal"             android:textsize="18sp"             android:textcolor="#000">         </edittext>     </linearlayout>      <textview         android:id="@+id/result"         android:layout_width="wrap_content"         android:layout_height="wrap_content"         android:layout_margintop="24dp"         android:layout_gravity="center_horizontal"         android:textsize="18sp"         android:textcolor="#fff"         android:text="your choice">     </textview> </linearlayout> 

also try demo

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