Rock Paper Scissors javascript using matrix -

hello new here , taking javascript course @ university software development degree. running issue in rock paper scissors lizard spock final project. professor has given qunit tests can check our code not @ understanding how errors show me whats wrong don't understand how code work. far have created objects , gave them properties , methods. created matrix capture , retain variations of win conditions. don't understand how create final method need: getwinner. in our rubric states following:

"method evaluate won game. should update wins, losses, , rate of each player. should set "winner" property name of winning player."

here game.js file working on. @ bottom stumped how start getwinner function. have started not responding unit tests. can post code if need well. other file object.

var game = function(){ this.running = false; = "rpsls"; this.players = [];     this.addplayer = function(name){         var player = new player(name);         this.players.push(player);         return player;     };     this.getplayer = function(number){         var player_number = number - 1;         return this.players[player_number];     };     this.sethand = function(number, hand){         var p = this.getplayer(number);         p.hand = hand;     };      this.matrix = {         rock: {             scissors: true,             lizard: true             },          paper: {             rock: true,             spock: true             },          scissors: {             paper: true,             lizard: true             },          lizard: {             spock: true,             paper: true             },          spock: {             rock: true,             scissors: true              }      };       this.getwinner = function(){             var player1 = this.getplayer();             var player2 = this.getplayer();             if ( this.matrix [ player1 ] == [ player2 ] ) {              } else if ( this.matrix [player1] [player2] ) {};         } 


thank reading through , trying help.

you mixing object , array. object in question key-value list in curly braces (your matrix variable). , set key in of such list calling name: matrix["key"] = value. such key-value list can nested. deeply. see example json. parsing such nested lists complicated , error prone (there ready-to-use libraries json) not use them if not absolutely necessary.

i simplified ansatz extend used arrays , objects possible.

var game = function(){ // unused this.running = false; = "rpsls"; // object (key-value list) hold players this.allplayers = {}; // object "player"" hold 1 player var player = function(){ = "";     this.hand = ""; }; this.addplayer = function(pname){     // memory 1 new player     var player = new player();     // set name of player = pname;     // put player-object player-list     this.allplayers[pname] = player;     return player; }; this.getplayer = function(pname){     return this.allplayers[pname]; }; this.sethand = function(pname, phand){     this.allplayers[pname].hand = phand; };    /*  rock <-> paper <-> scissor <-> lizard <-> spock (vulcan)   if column beats row -> 1  if column looses row -> -1  if tie -> 0          0  1  2  3  4        r  p  s  l  v  0  r  0 -1  1  1 -1  1  p  1  0 -1 -1  1  2  s -1  1  0  1 -1   3  l -1  1 -1  0  1  4  v  1 -1  1 -1  0  */  // translate name place in table above this.rpslvenum = {   rock: 0,   paper: 1,   scissor: 2,   lizard: 3,   spock: 4 };  this.scheme = [                 [ 0, -1,  1,  1, -1],                 [ 1,  0, -1, -1,  1],                 [-1,  1,  0,  1, -1],                 [-1,  1, -1,  0,  1],                 [ 1, -1,  1, -1,  0]               ];  this.getwinner = function(){         var player1 = this.addplayer("kirk");         var player2 = this.addplayer("uhura");         this.sethand("kirk","scissor");         this.sethand("uhura","spock");         var result =  this.scheme[this.rpslvenum[player1.hand]]                                  [this.rpslvenum[player2.hand]];         switch(result){           case 0: return "it's tie";           case 1: return "player 1 had won";           case -1: return "player 2 had won";           default: throw new error("something unexpected happend in " +;break;         }    }; }; var g = new game(); console.log(g.getwinner()); 

it lacks lot of obligatory checks&balances , quite unorganized hope suffices along now, otherwise…well…you know ask ;-)


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