stanford nlp - Stemming option in stanfordcorenlp -
problem: there option stem words using stanford-core-nlp
? not able find one! using stanford-corenlp-3.5.2.jar.
public class stanfordnlptester { public static void main (string args[]){ string paragraph = "a long paragraph here"; properties properties = new properties(); properties.put("annotators","tokenize,ssplit,pos,lemma,ner,depparse"); stanfordcorenlp pipeline = new stanfordcorenlp(properties); annotation annotation = new annotation (paragraph); pipeline.annotate(annotation); pipeline.prettyprint(annotation,system.out); } }
you'll need github:
this class provide want:
the main() method of class shows example usage of stemmer.
you can continue use stanford-corenlp-3.5.2.jar , include 1 class, since class depends on in jar.
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