email - Send mail from result (should be easy) -

i have built script check local machine certificates issuer expiring within 400.000 days (to hit when testing it) on remote server, cant figure out how result send actual email experimenting pipes after (and in) if statements doesnt seem work. have been googling quiet alot (ofcourse) i'm new powershell , code difficult @ times interpret.

i looking like; if $outputfromtheifstatement | measure-object -gt 0 { send email using $sendreportnow.}

my code:

$servers = 'testserver1,'testserver2' $threshold = 400000  $deadline = (get-date).adddays($threshold) $mailsmtp = '-smtpserver -port 25' $mailto = "" $mailfrom = "" $mailsubject = '-subject certifikat expiring within 90 days' $mailbody = '-body ?' $sendreportnow = 'send-mailmessage $mailsmtp $mailfrom $mailto $mailsubject' invoke-command -computername $servers { get-childitem cert:\localmachine\my } | foreach {  if ($_.notafter -le $deadline -and $_.issuer -like '*certaincompanyname*') { $_ | select @{label="servername";expression={($_.pscomputername)}}, issuer, subject, @{label="expiry date & time";expression={($_.notafter)}}, @{label="expires in (days)";expression={($_.notafter - (get-date)).days}} } } 

i cleaned code up, easier digest.

$servers = 'testserver1','testserver2' $threshold = 400000  $deadline = (get-date).adddays($threshold)  $certs = invoke-command -computername $servers { get-childitem cert:\localmachine\my }   foreach ($cert in $certs){     if ($cert.notafter -le $deadline -and $cert.issuer -like '*certaincompanyname*') {          $body = $cert | select @{label="servername";expression={($cert.pscomputername)}}, issuer, subject, @{label="expiry date & time";expression={($cert.notafter)}}, @{label="expires in (days)";expression={($cert.notafter - (get-date)).days}}         $mailsubject = "[$($cert.pscomputername)] certifikat expiring within 90 days"         send-mailmessage -smtpserver -port 25 -from -to -subject $mailsubject -body $body     } } 

this result in e-mails being sent this:

title:              [servera] certifikat expiring within 90 days -----  body------- servername         : servera issuer             : cn=localhost subject            : cn=localhost expiry date & time : 4/5/2020 8:00:00 pm expires in (days)  : 1627 


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