angularjs - ui-router ignoring state params -
i'm trying implement forgot password flow in application collects information user , passes through states.
after user submits employee id , want reset code sent (email or phone), send both of token state:
$state.go("^.token", { employeeid: forgot.employeeid, resettype: forgot.resettype });
my router pretty straightforward:
$stateprovider.state("authentication.forgot", { url: "/login/forgot", templateurl: "partials/authentication/forgot.html", controller: "forgotcontroller forgot", onenter: function () { $(document).foundation(); } }); $stateprovider.state("authentication.token", { url: "/login/token", templateurl: "partials/authentication/token.html", controller: "tokencontroller token", onenter: function () { $(document).foundation(); } });
and here token controller:
app.controller("tokencontroller", function ($state, $stateparams, $timeout, authentication) { console.log($stateparams); });
in token controller, $stateparams ends being empty object.
you not specifying parameter in $stateprovider definition, put url parameter or define params
parameter in $stateprovider definition.
url: "/login/token", params: { object: {} }, templateurl: "partials/authentication/token.html",
note {} default value object, in case no params specified in state transition, , you'll able access via $sateparams.object
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