image processing - Applying Laplacian filter in Matlab -

i got 2 errors

non-scalar operator


undefined function 'unit8'

here code:

clc  clear  close  image=double('img.tif'); filter=[0 -1 0 ; -1 5 -1 ; 0 -1 0]; [rows,cols] = size(image); outputimage = zeros(rows,cols); row = 2:rows-1     col = 2:col-1          outputimage (row,col)= sum (sum(image(row-1: row+1: col-1: col+1: filter )));      end end  %figure,imshow (unit8(image)),title ('originalimage') outputimage =unit8(outputimage); figure,imshow (outputimage, title('enchanceimage')) 

solution one

there way compute masking without loops. here code:

clc  clear  close  image=imread('img.tif'); filter=[0 -1 0 ; -1 5 -1 ; 0 -1 0]; [rows,cols] = size(image); outputimage = zeros(rows,cols); filtered_3x3 = imfilter(image,filter,'replicate'); outputimage = im2uint8(filtered_3x3); imshow(outputimage); 

first should read images imread function , imfilter can apply mask image. im2uint8 can convert image uint8.

solution two

if want change own code, lines need changed. here code:

clc  clear  close  image=imread('img.tif'); filter=[0 -1 0 ; -1 5 -1 ; 0 -1 0]; rows = size(image,1); cols = size(image,2); outputimage = zeros(rows,cols);  row = 2:rows-1     col = 2:cols-1         i=1:3         outputimage (row,col,i)= sum (sum(double(image(row-1: row+1, col-1: col+1 , i)) .* filter ));          end     end end  image =uint8(image); figure,imshow (outputimage) 

first should read image imread. size(image) not give correct dimension, assign them

rows = size(image,1); cols = size(image,2); . moreover, col = 2:cols-1 not col = 2:col-1 . there syntax error in loops. check it. for i=1:3 can apply mask each rgb matrix. @ end, uint8 function not unit8 one!


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